Families fight. Some just happen to fight more than others. The trick to weathering family fights is recognizing the signs that the fight is starting to escalate into something that won't simply blow over and taking steps to diffuse the situation.Remove Yourself From the...

Most of us have been on a flight where at least one passenger seemed to go out of their way to be difficult. They were loud, overly active, got sassy with the flight attendants, etc. In some cases, the passenger’s bad behavior was amusing. In...

Aggravated mayhem might sound like it’s shenanigans that get out of hand, but that’s not the reality. According to California law, aggravated mayhem is, “intentionally causing someone a permanent disability or disfigurement, or to deprive the person of a limb, organ or member of the...

There are certain days when the police become extremely concerned about drunk drivers. Thanksgiving is one such holiday. If you’re on the road during Thanksgiving weekend, don’t be surprised if you see more police patrolling the streets than what you would normally expect.Why Police are...

The State of California doesn’t mind you offering to help repair your neighbor’s garage in exchange for pizza. However, if you start accepting money for the repair work and turn it into a business, the state expects you to cut through all the red tape...